We did well, tell them; We did bad tell us!!
A great product must also be paired with great services. As a consumer, this is what we strongly believe in.
我们相信顾客除了希望买到好的产品, 当然也希望能够得到好的服务!
Therefore our company’s core values have always been: Product. Services. Human Resource.
我们公司的核心价值- 产品, 服务和人.
In 2019, we will enhance our “product & services” and “internal management & system”, in the order to give the best value to our customer.
为了提供给顾客最大的价值, 我们希望能够在2019年把自身的服务再提升.
For customer who participate into our enhancement activities, we would be very happy that you can give us your sincere feedbacks in regards to the services of our staff and our marketing agents through the various channels available in our platform.
除了在今年我们会升级内部运作的流程和系统以外, 我们也希望顾客能评估我们员工和代理商的服务.
To quote a popular saying on the internet:
We did well, tell them; We did bad tell us!!
我们做的好, 请分享; 我们做不好, 请留言!
If you feel we have been doing a good job, please share our Facebook, Instagram or our webpage to your friends.
如果您觉得我们做得不错,请帮我们在facebook & Instagram 转介绍, 或者在我们产品页的下面分享给更多人知道吧~
If there are any parts that we could do better, please comment HERE.
如果有什么我们做得不好得请点击这里留言 🙂
Your precious feedbacks will be our motivation io improve!
您的宝贵意见将会是我们进步的动力! 🙂 🙂 🙂