Simple 2 steps, teach you to recognize Facebook Page fraudsters!
Original article from: zinggadget.com
*Original article is Chinese. We use Google to translate*
During the MCO, students were forced to study online at home. At this time, parents would also choose to buy electronic products online so that they could have enough equipment for their children to attend classes. However, recently, a lot of scammers use this method on Facebook to fraud. The editor is here to teach you how to identify Facebook Page fraudsters in two ways easily!
在行动管制令期间,学生们也被迫只能在家上网课学习,而这时家长们也会选择上网购买电子产品以便有足够的设备让孩子们上课。不过,近期就有非常多的骗子在Facebook上利用这种方法骗取大家的钱。这里小编就教大家如何用两种方法轻松识别Facebook Page的骗子!
Method 1
I) Check Page Transparency
I) 检查Page Transparency

- First, go to Facebook Page to find Page Transparency (先到Facebook Page查找Page Transparency)
- Click See All (点击See All)

- CCheck whether the page change the names recently.
If the page keeps changing its names, please be careful! Because the fraudulent group may change the name after they have been discovered and then defraud the other users. (检查专页是否持续更换名字
II) Check whether it is useful to promote content on Facebook
II) 检查是否有用Facebook推广内容

- Click also Go To Ad library in Page Transparency (同样在Page Transparency 里点击 Go To Ad library)
- Find out what content is being promoted (查找推广了怎样的内容)

If you find that the price of the content promoted is already very low, you can further think about whether it is necessary to spend money to advertise for such a low price. In addition, the price of the equipment in the market is above RM5K, but it can be purchased with only RM1K+. At this time, you must be very careful. It is very likely that scam groups are using this to attract you.

In addition, fraudulent groups also like to sell at low prices on the grounds of “company failure” and “clearance”, and they will also say that there are only a few sets left. Act fast! These are actually tricks used by scam groups to defraud everyone!
Method 2: Seller’s bank account
方法2 :卖家银行户口
I) Check the seller’s bank account
I) 检查卖家银行户口
- Require bank account from seller (向卖家领取银行户口)

- And search the account through Facebook (并透过Facebook搜索户口)
- Find out if someone has been said it is a liar (查找是否被人说过是骗子)
Try to avoid dealing with sellers whose bank accounts are different from the pages’ names, because normal sellers will not frequently change bank accounts and put different names as bank accounts. Unless you have verified that the seller is very reliable through other ways.
(例子:专页名字为 ABC Techonology ,但银行户口为 CDF Enterprise)
II) Check the seller’s bank account through the CCID Malaysia system
II) 透过CCID Malaysia系统检查卖家的银行户口
- Check through CCID Malaysia system (透过CCID Malaysia系统检查)

- Check whether the seller’s bank account has been reported (检查卖家的银行户口是否被举报过)
- If reported, the police system will record it (若举报过,警方系统将会有所记录)
What should I do if I am cheated?
- Report to the police station first, no matter the amount (先到警局报案,无论金额是多少)
- Bring the report to your own bank and the other party’s bank (for example, you use CIMB bank transfer to the other party’s MAYBANK) (将报告带到自己和对方的银行报案(比如你使用CIMB银行转账到对方的MAYBANK))
- Publish the scammer’s account and pages on your personal homepage. Make sure to set it as public so that everyone can find it easily. (将骗子的户口还有专业公布在自己的个人主页,一定要设置公开,让大家方便查找)
Of course, the above methods are not limited to the Facebook page used for electronic devices. If you want to buy goods on Facebook Page but are afraid of being cheated, you can also use the above methods to alert yourself! In any case, you still need to think twice when shopping online!
(当然,以上的方法不仅限于用来查找电子设备的Facebook专业而已,如果你想在Facebook Page上购买商品但又害怕受骗时,也可以用以上的方法来警惕自己!无论如何,在网上购物还是需要三思而后行!)
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