Unexpected Surprise! EFE 2019
Enjoy a video first!
This year’s EFE is an unforgettable year for our little squirrels!
Our SP Living Room Series has been selected as one of EFE’s top 5 finalist best living room designs! Unexpected! This is really a big affirmation for our SQUIRREL team!
在没有心里准备的情况下,我们的SP Living Room Series得到了EFE 五名最佳客厅类产品设计的其中一位得奖公司! 这完全是出乎我们全体人员的意料之外! 这真是对我们SQUIRREL团队很大的肯定!

In addition, this year we are also different with previous years…
除此之外, 今年我们也和往年不一样的地方…
We promote some of the services. In 2019, our direction will be carried out in four major sections of the company. There are:
除了产品,我们也推广一些我们提供的服务. 2019年,我们的方向会朝着公司制定的四大版块进行. 分别是:
- SQUIRREL Interstore
- SQUIRREL Designer
2019, we will provide more valuable service to our customers.
2019 我们将会提供更多有价值的服务给我们的顾客.
The details will be explained in the future blog.
详细的内容, 将会在以后的Blog说明.

Of course, we have launched some new products. It will be uploaded to our online store one by one. You can also visit to our dealers shop to purchase. If you want to receive our new product information, subscribe to us and follow our social platform! Click on the link below at our website.
当然少不了的就是推出新产品. 到时候都会一一上载到我们的网店. 之后您也能前往我们的代理商店参观选购. 如果想第一手收到我们的新品资讯就订阅我们和追踪我们的社交平台吧! 点击链接都在我们网页下方.

Last word,
2019 will be a challenging year for SQUIRREL. Because we are doing somethings there are unprecedented. Our goals are very big & far away… but it is nothing impossible!
2019年将是SQUIRREL很挑战的一年. 因为我们在做着其他人没有做过的事情. 我们的目标很大,很远… 但是并非不可能达成!
Because of your support, we Believe – “win-win” is the way to go the farthest.
因为有你们的支持, 我们相信- ” 共赢 ” 才是能够走到最远的方法.
Thank you!